Let me set the scene and the characters: Jesus Christ (as John Connor) Mary (as Sarah Connor) and God the Father (as Kyle Reese)
This is far fetched but stay with me for a moment.
Sarah Connor. Single -young- maiden - goes through the longest night of her life where she is chased down by an unrelenting adversary. A messenger, Kyle, appears out of nowhere, saves her life, and tells her a prophecy...that her son will save the world. She says "What son? I'm not even in a steady relationship." By the skin of her teeth she survives the experience, Kyle becomes the father that isn't physically present because he dies right after John is concieved.
John ultimately becomes not only a man, but a leader and a savior...
Now back to reality: Jesus Christ is our savior, who allowed Himself to be murdered to protect us, he resurrected himself to resurrect us, and He's coming to get us. He said in his Schwarzenegger voice: "I'll be back."
But are u prepared for His return??
"The future is not set.There is no fate but what we make" The famous words of Sarah Connor.
She's right about one thing, we do determine our own fate. She was wrong about the future though- The future is set. We can live in truth and life with Jesus Christ, or we can die being deceived and persued by our enemy. It's written in God's word exactly what will happen. But how will you know unless you open the book. Don't be destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Suit up in the full Ephesians 6 armor. Your bible is your weapon. The future is approaching. The WAR has begun. Ready, set, go...
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